The MacArthur Study Bible

No resource we’ve developed embodies our commitment to cultivating deeper personal Bible study more than The MacArthur Study Bible. It’s the most important tool we carry because unlike any single book or sermon series, it deals with the whole of Scripture. Nothing else we offer clarifies God’s Word so comprehensively or provides so much help to people who want to dig deeper into the riches of Scripture.

  • 25,000 detailed explanatory notes written by John
  • Index to key biblical doctrines
  • Thorough cross-references
  • Introductions to each book
  • Concise articles on “How We Got the Bible” and “Introduction to the Bible”
  • Extensive concordance
  • Bible reading plans
  • More than 140 two-color maps, charts, timelines, and illustrations
  • available in ESV, NASB, and NKJV

For years the spiritual lives of countless men and women throughout the world have been strengthened with the help of The MacArthur Study Bible. What sets this Bible apart? Twenty-five thousand detailed notes written by John, the outworking of his decades of Scripture study. Page by page, the notes explain the biblical text. Page by page—in your own times of study—you will clearly understand what you’re reading and better know how to apply it to your life.

Since its release in 1997, more than a million copies of The MacArthur Study Bible have been distributed—an unprecedented reach among modern study Bibles. Today it is available in multiple translations, as well as several languages. We look forward to putting a copy into your hands.

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Purchase a copy of The MacArthur Study Bible. Available in ESV, NASB, and NKJV.


Study Bible App

The MacArthur Study Bible notes are also available as an in-app purchase through our Study Bible app for iOS and Android.

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The private time I’ve spent studying the Bible, examining every word of Scripture, has been vital to my personal life and ministry. I pray the study Bible will be a significant tool in your own pursuit of Christlikeness.

– John MacArthur

John MacArthur Interview featuring Phil Johnson

John MacArthur and Phil Johnson, executive director of Grace to You, discuss why you can trust the Bible and how you can see its transforming power in your life.

Desatando la verdad de Dios, un versículo a la vez
Desde 1969


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Desatando la verdad de Dios, un versículo a la vez
Desde 1969
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Desatando la verdad de Dios, un versículo a la vez
Desde 1969
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Desatando la verdad de Dios, un versículo a la vez
Desde 1969